An agent is a type of participant that allows to dynamically determine a user, an organizational unit or a role, based on certain logic during the execution of a process.
Predefined Agents
When modeling processes, a set of predefined agents can be used to establish who can execute the activities found in a lane.
User Executing a Specific Activity
This agent returns the user that executed a specific activity. This agent is used when there is the need to indicate that an activity is made by the same user that executed the activity defined.
Usage Example: The activity “Register operation” is executed by the same user that executed the activity “Enter operation”.
Participant Informed in Form Field
This agent returns the participant from a form field. This agent is used when there is the need to indicate that an activity is made by the user indicated in the defined field of a form related to the process.
Usage Example: The activity “Register operation” is executed by the user shown in field “cdUser” of the form"TareasContables".
Administrator of the User OU
This agent returns the user that is administrator of the organizational unit the executing user of the last activity belongs to.
Any User
This agent returns the the user that is currently logged in. If a process has this agent as the participant of the initial lane, every Deyel user can initiate the case.
This agent returns the user defined as authorizer in the profile of the user that executed the last activity.
User Executing the Last Activity
This agent returns the user that initiated the execution of the last activity. This agent is used when there is the need to indicate that an activity is made by the same user that executed the activity that goes before.
Usage Example: The activity “Register operation” is executed by the user that initiated the case or by the user that executed the task ”Register in accounting”, if the case involved the accounting department.
Participant Executing Last Activity
This agent returns the participant that initiated the execution of the last activity. It is used to indicate that an activity is done by the same participant..
Usage Example: The activity “Register operation” is executed by the same user that initiated the case or by the organizational unit “Accountant”, if the case involved the accounting department.
This agent returns the user that executed the first activity of the process. It cannot be used in the first lane of a process.
CRM User
Returns the user that is currently logged in as participant only if they have CRM Solution license. If a process has this agent as participant of the initial lane, every user with CRM license can initiate the case. It is recommended to use this agent only to define the participant of the initial lane of the process.
Initiator Restricted by Function
This agent evaluates if the current user has in their permissions the security function “Initiate Process” corresponding to the current process. This agent can only be used in the first lane of the process.
Usage Example: The activity “Register operation” must be executed by a user that has a permission permit with the security function “Start by agent Entering Accounting Operation” enabled.