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Applications developed with Deyel can interact with other applications, by using different tools and services of the platform.


On the one hand, Deyel allows to integrate its applications with external applications and existing data sources, that is, Legacy systems, databases, Twitter or other external applications, making use of adapters based on web services, Java and JDBC.


It also has a web services API based on the Richardson maturity model design guides, level 3, which allows any external application to Deyel to interact with applications developed with Deyel, or with solutions, such as CRM, Contracts or Stock Management, among others. It also allows the use of emails, rules, files and other events.






Applications developed with Deyel have their own user directory and if necessary they can be integrated through LDAP, OIC, in a personalized and mixed way, that is, allowing groups of users with different authentications.

Integration Facilities


Applications can be integrated using different platform tools and services.

Integration with External Applications


Applications developed with Deyel can be integrated with other applications by different means, either consulting or updating their information.


Rules based on Java, JDBC and web services adapters

This integration uses advanced rules and adapters which are defined using the different modelers of Deyel.


Rules based on application adapters that require user authorization

Integration with Twitter is an example of this type of integration through an adapter where the connection credentials are recorded. This adapter allows to centrally administrate the interaction of Deyel users with Twitter.

Integrating with External Applications


Other applications can be integrated with applications developed with Deyel, mainly using Deyel Rest API. There are also other means that can be very useful, depending on the characteristics of the applications to be integrated.


Use of web services API

Through the use of Deyel Rest API other applications can interact with applications developed with Deyel, having access to forms and cases through web services.


Other media

Integration can be done by using emails, rules and files.

Authentication Schemas


When applications are integrated, it may be required for them to be the same users or to be synchronized among them. The authentication procedure ensures that any use of Deyel and the use of its solutions are performed by "someone" or "something" that can be identified as a user, within the user registry.


Deyel uses different authentication schemas to respond to this request.



Deyel verifies that the user exists in its registry and checks the password, which is stored encrypted in its database.



When an organization uses directory services to register its users, Deyel may be configured to delegate the authentication process to LDAP.



When an organization uses Google accounts for its users, the authentication process can be delegated to Google.



It allows an organization to use different types of authentication simultaneously.

Using the Integration


Integration rules can be used from the different objects of the applications developed with Deyel.


Rules in forms and processes

Advanced adapter-based rules can be used using embedded rules.


Automatic actions of process activities

Advanced adapter-based rules can be used in the modeling of automatic actions of process activities.


Scheduled tasks and events

Advanced adapter-based rules can be used in the modeling of events and scheduled tasks.

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